Exploring CCS, Pertamina-ExxonMobil & Knock Development Collaboration

Pertamina-ExxonMobil and the South Korean oil and gas company, namely the Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), have just signed a Framework Agreement. Especially for the development of the Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) Hub project in the western part of the Java Sea, the Asri Basin and the Sunda Basin. The signing of the collaboration between the three big companies took place on the sidelines of the IPA Convention & Exhibition at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City, Wednesday (15/5/2024).

Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jodi Mahardi, explained that the form of cooperation between the three companies is still limited to studies related to the size of CCS capacity in the Asri Basin and Sunda Basin.

Pertamina-ExxonMobil and the South Korean oil and gas company, namely the Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), have just signed a Framework Agreement. Especially for the development of the Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) Hub project in the western part of the Java Sea, the Asri Basin and the Sunda Basin.

The signing of the collaboration between the three big companies took place on the sidelines of the IPA Convention & Exhibition at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City, Wednesday (15/5/2024).

Deputy for Maritime Sovereignty and Energy Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jodi Mahardi, explained that the form of cooperation between the three companies is still limited to studies related to the size of CCS capacity in the Asri Basin and Sunda Basin.

“We are still studying Pertamina with KNOC first, and then with ExxonMobil to study the capacity that can be deposited in Sunda Asri and plans for later infrastructure development,” he said when met after the signing.

Separately, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati explained that each company would have a role in this cooperation project. For example, Pertamina is a provider of carbon storage in reservoirs. Meanwhile, KNOC itself will act as a CCS storage consumer owned by Pertamina. Then Exxon itself acts as the technology owner.

“We offer a service concept starting from co2 capturing then transporting and injection. Because we have the concession in the block, but this requires permission from the government because there is a separate permit,” said Nicke.

Apart from Nicke and Jodi, those present at the signing included Director of ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd Carole J. Gall and President Director of KNOC Dong Sub Kim. Previously, Pertamina and ExxonMobil had also worked together to develop Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) in the Java Sea. With an investment value of more than US$ 2 billion, CCS has a capacity of up to 3 giga tonnes of CO2. The collaboration between the two was formalized through the signing of an Amendment to the Principles of Agreement as a continuation of the agreement produced at the G20 event last November 2022.

In this agreement, Pertamina and ExxonMobil agreed to continue their collaboration to evaluate the CCS Hub in the western part of the Java Sea, namely the Asri Basin and the Sunda Basin. The CCS Hub at this location is expected to offer significant volumes of geological storage, capable of capturing and injecting CO2 from domestic and regional industry.’

May 15, 2024, detikFinance


World Water Forum 2024 in Indonesia, Offers IDR 154 Trillion Water Projects

The 10th World Water Forum will be held in Bali next week, or to be precise on 18-25 May 2024. It is hoped that holding this event will open up investment opportunities for the development of water infrastructure in Indonesia. Expert Staff to the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Firdaus Ali said that the largest water forum in the world will certainly provide several important agreements for Indonesia, one of which is bilateral and multilateral cooperation worth trillions of rupiah.

“There are commitments that have been discussed, but later the Coordinating Minister (Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan) will convey more detail. There are several projects with a value of up to trillions,” he said in a press release, written Friday (10/5/2024).

For this reason, Indonesia as the host is not only determined to make the 10th World Water Forum a success, but also encourages outputs and outcomes to be executed by countries in the world at the project level and real action in the field.

“This is not just a ceremonial activity. This is a meeting that discusses real realities on the ground, so concrete steps are needed,” said Firdaus.

Firdaus also emphasized that this event was an important momentum, not only for Indonesia but also for the world in order to solve problems in the field. In fact, the President of the World Bank, Ajay Banga, has also expressed his commitment to attend.

“That’s why the President of the World Bank has stated that he will attend. Likewise with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB),” he said.

Previously, the Secretary General of the PUPR Ministry, Mohammad Zainal Fatah, revealed that Indonesia would offer a number of strategic projects worth US$ 9.6 billion or IDR 154 trillion. Several of these projects were selected by the Ministry of National Planning and Development (PPN/Bappenas).

“This has combined many proposals, the value figure is US$ 9.6 billion in the form of projects, whether in the form of projects that are already underway or new projects for which funding is already there,” said Zainal, quoted from a statement on the Ministry of Communications and Information website.

At the 10th World Water Forum, business meetings were also held with strategic partners to discuss potential cooperation and investment related to water infrastructure development. As the host, Indonesia in this session will also ask for commitment from strategic partner countries in the context of cooperation in developing water infrastructure.

The 10th World Water Forum raised ‘Water for Shared Prosperity’. This theme is in line with the commitment of countries in the world who want to find solutions to increase and manage sustainable water resources as a step to face uncertain climate change.

The forum will focus on discussing four things, namely water conservation, clean water and sanitation, food and energy security, and mitigation of natural disasters.

A total of 244 sessions in the forum are expected to provide concrete results regarding the mainstreaming of integrated water management for small islands or Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on Small Islands, the establishment of a center of excellence or best practices for water and climate security or the Center of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience (COE), as well as the establishment of World Lakes Day.

May 10, 2024, detikFinance(https://finance.detik.com/infrastruktur/d-7334268/world-water-forum-2024-ri-bakal-tawarkan-proyek-air-rp-154-triliun)

Jokowi Inaugurated Tilapia Fish Cultivation Modeling: Demand World Market

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the modeling of saline tilapia cultivation ponds in Karawang, West Java. Jokowi said the world market demand for tilapia is very large.

“The world market demand is very large. In 2024 alone IDR 14.4 billion US dollars means less than IDR 230 trillion, very large,” said Jokowi, at the Aquaculture Production Business Service Hall, North Pusakajaya Village, Karawang, Wednesday (8 /4/2024).

Jokowi asked that this opportunity be utilized well. Jokowi said this pond has the potential to produce 80 tons of fish per hectare.

“Therefore, we have to take advantage of this large demand but also don’t immediately make it big. I agree that a model should be made first, there will be modeling first. If the modeling is correct, what I was informed about is that the usual 1 hectare will only be 0,” “6 tons per hectare will become 80 tons per hectare and this will later be able to transport, opening up huge employment opportunities,” he said.

Jokowi said the government had calculated the budget to build similar ponds in other areas. The budget amounts to IDR 13 trillion.

“Earlier, the minister and the Director General said that 78 thousand hectares is approximately how much the budget will need. It has been calculated that it is around IDR 13 trillion. I said that if IDR 13 trillion from Banten to East Java, from Serang to Banyuwangi everything can be done, I think it will transport “The workforce is very large,” he said.

“Opening up huge job opportunities. IDR 13 trillion is not a lot of money so we will look at this first. Then if it is very visible I will prepare it in the 2025, 2026 APBN and I will whisper to the new government to the elected president that this big dream “It can really be realized,” he said.

May 8, 2024, detikNews


Indonesia’s Economy Grows 5.11%, Optimism in the Midst of Recession-Growth Drops

President Joko Widodo was happy with reports of Indonesia’s economic growth. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) explained that Indonesia’s economy will grow by 5.11% in the first quarter of 2024. Jokowi said that Indonesia’s fairly fertile economic growth shows optimism amidst the sluggish global economy. The reason is, the Indonesian economy is still growing amidst the conditions of many countries in recession and experiencing stagnant growth, and many are even contracting.

“Yes, this creates optimism. That other countries, big countries, one, two, three have entered the brink of recession, other countries have also seen their growth decline, but we are able to continue to increase by 5.11%,” said Jokowi met after inaugurating the IDTH Telecommunication Equipment Testing Center, Tuesday (7/5/2024).

Jokowi continued; two things contributed greatly to rapid economic growth in the first quarter of 2024. First, public consumption, second, investment that continues to enter Indonesia.

“I think we should be grateful for that because it is supported a lot by consumption, but also secondarily supported by investment that continues to enter our country,” explained Jokowi.

On the other hand, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati stated that this positive national economic growth was more or less supported by strong domestic demand and optimal support from the APBN as a shock absorber. This condition makes Indonesia one of the countries that is able to survive amidst global economic uncertainty.

“Even though the global economic situation tends to weaken, and financial market turmoil puts increasingly heavy pressure, the resilience of the Indonesian economy remains well maintained,” said Sri Mulyani, quoted from the Instagram account @smindrawati.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani explained that in terms of production, leading sectors continued to grow positively. The manufacturing sector in the first quarter of 2024 grew 4.1% (YoY), driven by strong domestic demand and downstream policies.

Strong domestic demand was mainly supported by an increase in the food and beverage processing industry which grew 5.9% (YoY). The trade sector also grew by 4.6% (YoY), mainly driven by increased demand during Ramadan.

“Positive growth trends also occurred in all regions. Java Island, as the main contributor to the economy, grew relatively strongly at 4.84% (YoY). Other regions such as Sumatra grew 4.24% YoY; Bali and Nusa Tenggara 5.07% YoY “; Sulawesi 6.35% YoY; Kalimantan 6.17% YoY; Maluku and Papua grew 12.1% YoY,” he explained.

Then, he also said that this solid economic growth was able to encourage national job creation. As of February 2024, the number of workers nationally was recorded to have increased by 3.55 million people compared to the same period last year. The Open Unemployment Rate fell significantly to 4.82%, from the previous 5.32% in February 2023.

May 7, 2024, detikFinance


Indonesia-United Arab Emirates Target Non-Oil Trade of IDR 160 Trillion

Trade cooperation between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates is getting stronger. This was conveyed by the President and CEO of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah. Lootah said that the signing of the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IUAE-CEPA) last year had removed barriers to trade in various goods and services between the two countries.

“This is expected to increase annual non-oil bilateral trade between our countries to US$10 billion (IDR 160 trillion) in the next five years,” said Lootah at the New Horizons: Doing Business with Indonesia event in South Jakarta, Monday (6/5/ 2024).

According to him, this agreement opens up attractive opportunities for the business community and both countries and confirms Indonesia’s position as a very important and strategic market for the United Arab Emirates and Dubai.

Lootah himself said that the market between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates had been strong for several decades. He explained that during 2023, non-oil and gas bilateral trade between the two countries will reach US$3.5 billion (IDR 56 trillion) or achieve solid growth of 7.7% compared to the previous year.

As relations improve, in June 2023, Dubai International Chamber, launched a new international representative office in Jakarta with the aim of further strengthening bilateral trade and investment relations.

“Our team in Jakarta is happy to work with the Indonesian business world to support the growth of bilateral trade and investment, taking advantage of the CEPA agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia to achieve significant export and import expansion between the two markets,” he explained.

He said that the international representative office in Jakarta has several missions and focuses, namely building strong relationships with key public and private sector stakeholders, supporting Dubai-based companies that want to expand to Indonesia, and helping the Indonesian business world to enter the US market. Arab Emirates.

“By the end of 2023, a total of 99 Indonesian companies have registered as members of the Dubai Chamber, as many as 15 more companies joined us in the first quarter of this year, bringing the total to 114,” he explained.

“Reflecting the growing interest in Dubai among the Indonesian business community, we are confident that our office in Jakarta will continue to support and enhance the strategic bilateral trade and investment relationship between the two countries.”

Apart from that, the President and CEO of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, said that there was a possibility that companies from the United Arab Emirates would be interested in investing in Indonesia’s Archipelago Capital (IKN).

“As soon as investment opportunities are presented to us through investment promotion agencies in Indonesia, we will work with them (IKN) to introduce the private sector from the United Arab Emirates,” he said.

“Such opportunities are open to our private sector in Dubai, and we hope to encourage our companies to play a very important and important role in these investment opportunities,” he added.

May 6, 2024, CNBC Indonesia



United States Company Will Build a ‘Nuclear Reactor’ in Indonesia Worth IDR 17 Trillion

PT Thorcon Power Indonesia, a nuclear reactor company from the United States, is targeting the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Indonesia which can operate in 2032 with an investment of IDR 17 trillion. This was as revealed by the Director of TPI Operations, Bob S. Effendi. He said that his party planned the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Indonesia with a capacity of 500 Mega Watt (MW) with an investment of IDR 17 trillion. He claimed, the PLTN development plan had been communicated by his party to the government in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

“So, we plan to build a nuclear power plant which hopes to be the first and at this time we have also communicated to the ESDM National Energy Council and maybe there is also Mr. Rachmat Kaimuddin as well as the Marves Ministry. We will build this 500 MW of the Nuclear Power Plant with Investing around IDR 17 trillion, “Bob told CNBC Indonesia in the Energy Corner program, Tuesday (4/30/2024).

To be able to realize the plan, Bob said that his party was currently preparing a proposal that would later be submitted to the government to be able to support the development of the first domestic nuclear power plant. Bob said that his party planned the construction of a nuclear power plant with a trillion of rupiah investment value to be built in Bangka Belitung Province, which itself was targeting the project to be able to operate in 2030.

“We hope that we will place it in Bangka Belitung, in Bangka Belitung Province and in 2030 we can operate. And we are sure this can be a practical solution for energy transition, namely, to stop coal steam power plants,” he said.

Indeed, Indonesia is currently encouraging the energy transition program to switch to new renewable energy sources to rend the position of coal as primary energy in Indonesia. Bob rate, nuclear through nuclear power plants can replace this position with the characteristics of the availability of qualified energy such as coal.

According to his calculations, with the investment value of the first nuclear power plant which is also expected to be the first nuclear power plant in Indonesia, an investment of IDR 17 trillion can produce production and development calculations of up to US $ 1,000 per kilo Watt (KW). Later, the selling price of US $ 6 cents is considered to be profitable. That way, he considered that being able to produce ‘clean’ electricity could also be an option for the government and for PT PLN (Persero) to provide electricity sources from new renewable energy in Indonesia.

April 30, 2024, CNBC Indonesia


Microsoft Investing IDR 27.6 Trillion in Indonesia

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced an investment in Indonesia with a value of US $ 1.7 billion or around IDR 27.6 trillion. So, what are the investments for? Over the next four years Microsoft’s investment will be used to build new cloud and AI infrastructure in Indonesia. In addition, the company provides AI skills training opportunities for 840,000 residents, as well as support for the domestic developer community. According to Nadella, this is the largest single investment in 29 years of Microsoft’s history in Indonesia.

“The investment that we announce today, which includes digital infrastructure, skills, and support for developers, will help Indonesia to continue to advance in this new era,” Nadella said in the ‘Microsoft Build: AI Day’ event held at JCC, Jakarta , Tuesday (4/30/2024).

This digital infrastructure investment is a continuation of the initiative to empower Indonesia, Microsoft announced in February 2021, to accelerate inclusive economic growth. Included in the initiative, namely the plan to establish Microsoft’s first regional datacenter in Indonesia. The investment announced today will allow Microsoft to meet the demand for cloud computing services in Indonesia which continues to increase. This will also allow Indonesia to take advantage of economic opportunities and significant productivity of artificial intelligence (AI).

Microsoft also announced a greater commitment to provide AI skills opportunities for 2.5 million people in ASEAN countries until 2025. This training and support will be given through partnerships with the government, non-profit and corporate organizations, as well as communities in Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Microsoft’s skills commitment is expected to provide benefits for 840,000 people in Indonesia by providing: 1) AI skills training to vocational high school students through the AI Teach for Indonesia program; 2) opportunities and support to build careers in the field of cyber security for women through the ready4ai & security program; 3) AI Phase Phase Training to improve the ability and work readiness for the younger generation of communities that are less served and less represented; 4) Knowledge and skills in the field of AI and Digital Technology for non-profit organizational employees.

Meanwhile, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia also asked Microsoft to build a research center in Indonesia. “Regarding the place, Mr. President, Joko Widodo and the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, have said please want to be in Bali or IKN. Because IKN is important. The President asked Microsoft to help Smart City in IKN,” explained Budi. He explained that the investment was a breath of fresh air for Indonesia. This also indicates that Indonesia is considered in the global digital ecosystem.

April 30, 2024, CNBC Indonesia



Institutions in New York Explore Collaboration to Develop AI and IoT at Ibu Kota Nusantara

The Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) is exploring collaboration with IBM and the New York Office for Technology and Innovation (NYC OTI). This was carried out in a series of Smart City Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) activities in the United States (US). In this momentum, Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation Mohammed Ali Berawi invited global companies and international collaborators to take part in the development project for the Indonesian Capital City.

“The Archipelago Capital is a form of work transformation process through the use of technology and increasing human resource capacity in mastering and developing technology,” said Ali, in a written statement, quoted Thursday (25/4/2024).

From the results of the meeting between OIKN and IBM, it is planned to carry out a proof of concept (POC) for asset management technology based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) to be tested in the capital city of the archipelago.

“The use of this technology can increase efficiency in city management through predictive analytical capabilities, especially in the sector of city service sustainability,” he said.

This visit then continued with the New York government’s Office of Technology and Innovation (NYC-OTI), which is responsible for providing technological solutions and encouraging innovation in city services. NYC-OTI itself is responsible for the use of digital technology from artificial intelligence to broadband provision, cyber security to data utilization, information confidentiality to smart city management.

Director of Smart City and IoT, Paul Rothman explained, in its duties NYC-OTI also carries out various research related to city management as well as the development and use of the latest technology.

“NYC-OTI facilitates pilot project activities through the Smart City Testbed initiative to encourage innovation in city administration in New York by accelerating the testing process for new technology,” said Paul.

April 25, 2024, detikFinance


Indonesia Aims for IDR 20 Trillion Investment from Hannover Messe 2024

The largest industrial trade exhibition in the world, Hannover Messe, will be held again in 2024, precisely in hall 4 at the Hannover Exhibition Center, Lower Saxony, Germany on April 22-26, 2024. Indonesia is not left behind in participating even though the pavilion built is much smaller than the previous year. Understandably, at the Hannover Messe 2023 event, Indonesia became the Official Partner Country, so that at last year’s event there was a lot of effort in bringing in local partners to showcase their products and technology, even President Joko Widodo participated.

Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that the investment target that will be pursued in Indonesia’s participation in Hannover 2024 is IDR 20 trillion. Meanwhile, with the pavilion area reaching 10 times the size in 2023, Indonesia’s investment target is ‘only’ IDR 30 trillion. So, it should be much more effective in comparison to the area of the pavilion and the targets set.

“Last year was special because we became the Official Partner Country, so last year’s target was IDR 30 trillion. However, this year, just opening the Indonesian pavilion, it is already approaching IDR 5 trillion because there was a signing of around US$ 350 million and in the future there will be business forums such as “matching business and introducing Indonesian needs and industrial products that we can display and sell at Hannover Messe,” explained Agus after opening the Indonesian pavilion in hall 4 of Hannover Messe 2024.

Also present at the event were Commission VII DPR RI Maman Abdurrahman and Dony Maryadi Oekon, Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Eko S.A. Cahyanto, and Indonesian Ambassador to Germany Arief Havas Oegroseno.

“Most of the investment targets this year will focus on sustainability, both in the energy and industrial sectors, how technology will make industrial products more efficient. As long as the country is free from anywhere, the important thing is to bring funds to Indonesia, and we can also add value then opens up job opportunities,” continued Agus.

“Because if Indonesia is left behind in the industrial world, the impact will have other implications. So, Indonesia’s presence is not only investment, but also Indonesia’s involvement with the world of industrial technology. So, in the end, even though we agree in the end, namely investment. Our presence at Commission VII monitors “for these targets to be achieved. I think the key word is target (executed investment), not just how much cooperation MoUs are achieved,” he concluded.

April 23, 2024, detikInet


Apple’s Investment in Indonesia Penetrates IDR 1.6 trillion

Although not yet built an assembly factory in Indonesia, Apple apparently has reached an investment of IDR 1.6 trillion to provide the Apple Developer Academy. Noted, currently the Apple Developer Academy which has been operating there are four spreads across Tangerang, Batam and Surabaya. Meanwhile, the arrival of Apple Tim Cook CEO to Indonesia to inaugurate the 4th Apple Developer Academy which is located in Bali.

“The investment value is IDR 1.2 trillion for three academies. If you add another one in Bali, it will be IDR 1.6 trillion,” said Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi in Jakarta, Wednesday (17/4/2024).

Apple Developer Academy is a program that was developed directly by Apple. This is to improve the skills for those who are interested in the world of coding and digital in a professional manner. Meanwhile, the first Apple Developer Academy was opened in Brazil, this HR talent development program has developed to more locations worldwide, including Korea, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and the United States.

For information, Tim Cook has met with President Joko Widodo at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, today. In the meeting that lasted for one hour, improving the quality of human resources was considered important, especially in the current digital era.

“So, this increase in human resources is also important for us, for our nation,” he said.

Unfortunately, Apple has not revealed the schedule for the opening of the academy in Bali. But it is certain that the Bali campus will receive registration not only from Indonesia, but from all over the world, regardless of the educational background or programming experience.

This technology giant from Cupertino has opened an academy in Surabaya and Batam. Apple Developer Academy which was attended by more than 2,000 prospective developers. As many as 90% of graduates have gotten jobs in various sectors ranging from education, e-commerce, transportation, sustainability, and more.

The nine-month program from this academy includes the basics of programming, as well as other topics such as project design, marketing, and management, which will equip participants with a series of capabilities needed to become entrepreneurs and world-class developers.

Apple Developer Academy in Indonesia receives participants from various personal and professional backgrounds. They come from more than 90 cities throughout Indonesia, with an age range between 18 to 50 years, each of which brought new ideas and involved their life experiences in designing applications and making business plans.

April 17, 2024, detikInet
