Institutions in New York Explore Collaboration to Develop AI and IoT at Ibu Kota Nusantara

The Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) is exploring collaboration with IBM and the New York Office for Technology and Innovation (NYC OTI). This was carried out in a series of Smart City Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) activities in the United States (US). In this momentum, Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation Mohammed Ali Berawi invited global companies and international collaborators to take part in the development project for the Indonesian Capital City.

“The Archipelago Capital is a form of work transformation process through the use of technology and increasing human resource capacity in mastering and developing technology,” said Ali, in a written statement, quoted Thursday (25/4/2024).

From the results of the meeting between OIKN and IBM, it is planned to carry out a proof of concept (POC) for asset management technology based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) to be tested in the capital city of the archipelago.

“The use of this technology can increase efficiency in city management through predictive analytical capabilities, especially in the sector of city service sustainability,” he said.

This visit then continued with the New York government’s Office of Technology and Innovation (NYC-OTI), which is responsible for providing technological solutions and encouraging innovation in city services. NYC-OTI itself is responsible for the use of digital technology from artificial intelligence to broadband provision, cyber security to data utilization, information confidentiality to smart city management.

Director of Smart City and IoT, Paul Rothman explained, in its duties NYC-OTI also carries out various research related to city management as well as the development and use of the latest technology.

“NYC-OTI facilitates pilot project activities through the Smart City Testbed initiative to encourage innovation in city administration in New York by accelerating the testing process for new technology,” said Paul.

April 25, 2024, detikFinance
