Jokowi and President Mozambik Agree on the Exports of Oil and Gas Investments

President Joko Widodo met Mozambik President Filipe Nyusi today, Wednesday (8/23/2023) in Maputo, the capital of Mozambik. From the bilateral meeting a number of agreements were produced, including involving investment in the oil and gas sector to the RI SOE output railroad exports. In a joint statement broadcast through the Youtube channel of the Presidential Secretariat, Jokowi explained the results of the meeting. Since implementing the Indonesia-Mozambik Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) in 2022, Indonesia recorded a trade increase of 78% as of June 2023.

“We agreed to optimize the use of PTA for businesses through cooperation through the Chamber of Commerce,” Jokowi said, quoted from the broadcast, Wednesday (8/23).

In addition, it was also agreed that the cooperation between Mamasok Train from BUMN Indonesia to Mozambik. There is also an investment plan for the management of the oil and gas sector in end to end by BUMN Indonesia. The Kenya government plans to invest through Pertamina in the geothermal sector of Kenya worth US $ 1.5 billion or IDR 22.99 trillion.

“Indonesia wants to increase investment in Kenya, especially in the energy sector. For this reason, I ask for support for Pertamina’s investment with the Geothermal Development Company of US $ 1.5 billion and with the Goma Group can be immediately realized and expanded in the EBT field and the Bilateral Investment needs to form Treaty between the two countries, “

Then there is also a plan to expand the investment in the power generation sector, as well as the production and sales of gas distribution by Indonesian private companies.

“In addition, I also welcome the plan to form a bilateral investment treatment and assign relevant ministers to immediately complete this agreement,” he added.

Next, another agreement that is also produced through this meeting is in terms of strengthening the cooperation of health resilience in Mozambik, by procuring vaccines, medicines, and medical devices. For this, Jokowi asked the President Nyusi to immediately carry out the vaccine registration process from Indonesia.

“Indonesia is committed to strengthening development cooperation with Africa and Indonesia is completing the grand design for the next 5 years for African in the health, food and energy sector, and other sectors that are the interests of Mozambic,” he said.

Then the last one, the two have agreed to form a task in order to follow up on all discussions in this bilateral meeting. Not to forget, Jokowi also invitied Mozambik to attend and participate in the Mozambik in the Indonesia-Africa Forum next year.

August 23, 2023, detikFinance and CNBC Indonesia

