The government is determined to realize the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045. One form of this vision is that Indonesia aspires to become a big player in global trade and investment. Indonesia also wants to increase its diplomatic leadership in regional and global. Therefore, collaboration between southern countries must be strengthened through a series of intensive, open, and equal dialogue and communication with all interested stakeholders and development actors. For this interest, Indonesia took the initiative to hold a high-level forum for a multi-level forum on multi-stakeholder partnership (HLF MSP) 2024 in Bali, starting tomorrow, Sunday 1 September to Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
HLF MSP will open up opportunities for Indonesia to strengthen its position as a bridge for developing countries in sharing knowledge, the best practice in overcoming development problems and revitalizing South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) cooperation.
Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense and Security of the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Bogat Widyatmoko said, this event was a tangible manifestation of Indonesia’s commitment in resolving global problems that were multidimensional.
“High-level forum on multi-stakeholder partnerships is essentially a discussion forum, sharing practical experiences both to find innovative solutions and concrete actions in resolving problems that hope is that we can use the catalyst to achieve sustainable goals that are currently somewhat hampered,” Bogat said in a special interview with CNBC Indonesia at the Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Nusa Dua, Saturday (8/31/2024).
HLF MSP is also an effort to strengthen the toughness of diplomacy as a prerequisite in order to respond to various challenges while making it an opportunity to strengthen Indonesia’s influence in the international social scene. Through HLF MSP, Indonesia has the opportunity to offer technical support and exchange of knowledge in concrete projects involving southern and northern countries to build evidence-based trust.
In addition, Indonesia can help build a global network that involves various stakeholders from southern and northern countries. The aim is to strengthen relationships and cooperation and initiate strategic partnerships in various fields, such as the environment, technology, and economic development.
Furthermore, HLF MSP 2024 is expected to strengthen the economic growth of Bali, especially those related to the accommodation, food and beverage sectors. Because the arrival of a number of delegates and non-delegations from various countries can increase demand for the availability of accommodation and drinking-drinking facilities, transportation, and tourist and trade destinations.
August 31, 2024, CNBC Indonesia