IDX Composite Closed Today at the Level of 7,000, the Highest in History!

IDX Composite closed today with a record high in history. JCI trading closed at 7,000 for the first time. Based on research by Artha Sekuritas, the JCI closed higher at an all-time high after investors responded to the development of the Russia-Ukraine war indicating that there would be negotiations for peace. In addition, the increase in crude oil prices also pushed up stocks in the energy sector.

Technically, the current movement is still in the bullish trend, which is quite strong after being closed at the all-time high level accompanied by the stochastic indicator forming a golden cross. Investors will still be watching developments from the Russia-Ukraine war as well as the Fed’s speech regarding future economic policies.

Meanwhile, fighting rages on in Ukraine as efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict appear to be making little progress. Crude prices continue to soar as the European Union considers joining the United States in banning Russian oil.

March 22, 2022, detikFinance
