Profit of State-Owned Enterprises in 2021 Reaches Rp126 Trillion, BRI Becomes the Biggest Contributor

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk will be the biggest profit contributor for the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in 2021. It is recorded that in 2021 the SOE’s profit will reach Rp126 trillion or an increase of Rp13 trillion from 2020. BRI President Director, Sunarso said BRI became a BUMN that recorded the highest profit of Rp32.22 trillion in 2021, or equivalent to 25.5% of the total profit of all SOEs in 2021. This growth was due to the state-owned company carrying out a number of transformations.
One of the pillars of BRI’s 2021 profit, namely credit performance and the collection of Third Party Funds (DPK) grew positively accompanied by a significant decrease in interest costs. At the same time, the company is able to manage portfolio mix and asset quality so as to increase asset yields. From 2019 to 2021 BRI has paid taxes and dividends to the state with a total amount of Rp82.03 trillion.
For 2022, Sunarso explained that his party already has four strategies so that BRI’s growth can continue to be positive. One of them is selective growth, BRI focuses on sectors that have high potential with minimum exposure to external shocks, namely the agricultural sector, chemical industry, and food and beverage.
Focus on quality and be selective in determining the feasibility of restructuring customers by carrying out a number of considerations. BRI will implement a soft landing strategy by establishing sufficient reserves to anticipate a deterioration in the credit quality of restructuring customers. Meanwhile, to maintain profitability, BRI will focus on high-yield loans, namely the micro and consumer loan segments as well as increasing efficiency through increasing low-cost funds (CASA).

June 11, 2022, DetikFinance