Indonesian Products are in Demand at the Mexico ExhibitionTransaction of IDR 287 billion

The Indonesian government held an Expo Indonesia En Mexico (EIM) exhibition which was held on August 3-6, 2023, at the World Trade Center, Mexico City, Mexico. In the exhibition, Indonesian products succeeded in capturing the hearts of investors in the country with a record of transactions reaching IDR 287 billion. The EIM exhibition is an Indonesian sole exhibition in Mexico which raised the trade, tourism, investment, and culture sectors. The EIM exhibition succeeded in attracting 5,238 visitors. At this event 83 trade matching (business matching) was carried out between exhibitors and buyers/potential investors.
Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan said that the exhibition could increase the effect not only in terms of exports, but also opportunities for cooperation between Indonesia and Mexico,
“The integrated exhibition of the trade, tourism, and investment sectors has a multiflier effect, not only on the increase in exports of non -oil and gas products but also provides opportunities for Indonesian investment cooperation and strengthening of the Branding (Branding) of Indonesia in Mexican countries that do not yet have bilateral trade cooperation with Indonesia, “said the man who is familiarly called Zulhas, quoted on Tuesday (8/15/2023).
The Director General of National Export Development Didi Sumedi said that during EIM 2023, four -wheeled vehicles with trademarks Suzuki Ertiga and Mitsubishi Expander attracted many visitors. In addition, many visitors come to directly see the design, features, and interior of the car.
This is in line with the performance of Indonesian non-oil and gas exports with automotive products including spare parts (spare parts) which are one of the 10 main products of Indonesian non -oil and gas exports to Mexico. Other products that are excellent include paper products, yarn, batik, eyelashes, coffee, and food and drinks.
“EIM transaction achievements prove that Indonesian products have strong competitiveness, so that they can be well received by the Mexican market and make this country an expansion of non -traditional markets. This activity is the first step to increase the contribution of Indonesia’s greater exports, especially added value products such as manufacturing industry products, “said Didi
Indonesian automotive products have good competitiveness considering the national automotive industry has implemented 4.0 technology in the production process that makes every production activity more efficient and competitive. The national automotive industry developed is an electric vehicle industry supported by the electric battery industry. The main market share of Indonesian motor vehicle products besides America, Latin is the Middle East, African, South Asia, Oceania, and Australia.
Director of Primary Product Export Development, Merry Maryati expressed his appreciation for good collaboration between all parties. The exhibition was fully supported by the Ministry of Trade and was attended by 51 participants, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy; Ministry of Investment; Central Java Provincial Government, East Nusa Tenggara, West Papua and DKI Jakarta; Small and Medium Enterprises, as well as private companies.

August 15, 2023, detikFinance