Indonesian Online Transactions of IDR 401 Trillion, Ministry of Trade Wants to Digitize 250 Thousand MSMEs

Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) is targeting 250,000 small, micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to be digitized through electronic/e-commerce (e-commerce) platforms. To that end, the Ministry of Trade is strengthening collaboration with GoTo (Gojek and Tokopedia). It was noted that throughout 2021, online shopping was able to generate transactions of up to IDR 401 trillion. He hopes that with the digitization of MSMEs, especially people’s market traders, the number of transactions can continue to increase.

“To achieve the target of 250,000 digitized MSMEs, we are ready to continue to work with PT GoTo. I believe GoTo can play an important role as a digital platform that integrates on-demand services through entities within the company,” Zulhas said in a written statement, Thursday ( 27/10/2022). He conveyed this at the Advanced Digital Conference: Market Digitization Via the GoTo Ecosystem today, Thursday (27/10) in Jakarta. This event was held by Gojek, Tokopedia, and Goto Financial.

Digitizing the people’s market is one of the tasks given by President Joko Widodo to the Ministry of Trade. Because, this encourages people’s market traders to compete with traders who sell online.

Zulhas explained that his party is collaborating with various market locations/ride hailing to help the merchants’ onboarding process into the application. One of the things that has been done is collaborating with Tokopedia to push the market into the application. It is known, currently the program has been running in 10 markets throughout Indonesia.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people’s spending patterns in the era of e-commerce development have changed. These changes increase the increase in consumers who shop through e-commerce. In 2021, consumers who shopped through e-commerce were recorded at 25% from the previous year which was only 11%.

October 27, 2022, detikFinance
