The Indonesian government is collaborating with Switzerland to produce a ready-to-work and competitive industrial workforce. It is hoped that through this collaboration, Indonesia can have competent human resources (HR) to increase productivity and innovation in the industrial sector.
Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang said that Indonesia currently needs competent industrial HR amidst increasingly tight market competition. Through vocational-based skills development programs, it is hoped that it can produce an industrial workforce that is ready to work and competitive.
“Of course we need superior, competent industrial HR, and those who can answer all the problems and challenges ahead. This is what needs to be prepared to realize the vision of Golden Indonesia in 2045,” said Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in his statement on Monday (14/10/2024).
As a form of support for the Indonesian Government’s efforts to prioritize the development of industrial human resources through the implementation of vocational education and training, Swisscontact Indonesia and the Swiss Indonesia Chamber of Commerce (SwissCham) also attended the Industrial Educational Training and Expo (IDUTEX) 2024 organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Industry in Jakarta on 7-9 October 2024.
“We appreciate the support and cooperation with the Swiss Government, hopefully this program can continue to be implemented well,” said the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) Masrokhan. Thanks to the collaboration between BPSDMI and the Swiss Government, a number of polytechnics within the Ministry of Industry have implemented the concept of dual-system vocational education and training.
The Swiss Government’s commitment to supporting the Indonesian Government in efforts to develop human resource skills has been around since the 1970s. This was marked by the establishment of the first polytechnic in Indonesia, the Swiss Mechanical Polytechnic or what is now known as the Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic.
Currently, the cooperation between the two parties is realized through the Swiss Skills for Competitiveness (SS4C) program, which is implemented by Swisscontact Indonesia with grant support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
According to her, the Swiss Government through Swisscontact has built a sustainable partnership in Indonesia for more than 50 years. “We are committed to continuing to support the steps of the Indonesian Government to build human resources to be more competitive in order to achieve the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045,” said Kiky.
“The collaboration established with the Ministry of Industry has had a positive impact on the polytechnics it fosters. SwissCham Indonesia continues to be committed to strengthening and developing partnerships and collaborations between polytechnics and industry,” said Sarah Suhartono, Executive Director of SwissCham Indonesia.
October 14, 2024, detikFinance