China is involved in large projects in Indonesia. The large projects built generally use the Government Cooperation Scheme (G2G) or Business Cooperation (B2B). Even in January, the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia said that China successfully shifted Singapore’s position as the largest investor in Indonesia in the fourth quarter of 2022. The amount of China’s investment in Indonesia in that period was recorded at US $ 3 billion. Then it was followed by investments from Singapore with US $ 2.7 billion, Hong Kong US $ 1.6 billion, Malaysia US $ 1.1 billion, and the United States of US $ 0.9 billion. So, what are the projects in Indonesia financed by China? The following is a list of giant Indonesian projects financed by China.
- Jatigede Reservoir
The project, which was initiated since the era of President Soekarno, began with water in 2015. The watering event was inaugurated by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono. The construction of the Jatigede Reservoir project has an investment value of Rp 4 trillion through APBN funds and Exim China Bank loans of 90%.
- Medan-Kualanamu toll road
The 17.8 km toll road cost Rp 1,347 trillion. Of the total construction of Rp 1,347 trillion, 90% of them came from China loans through Exim China Bank and 10% of the State Budget. The construction of this toll road began in 2012. The toll road construction was inaugurated by the Minister of Public Works Djoko Kirmanto.
- Jakarta Bandung Fast Train
China is interested and offers advantages from Japan from the dimensions of development, speed, to financing. The Indonesian government finally chose China to work on the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project. Then China Development Bank will continue loans to a company formed on the joint venture of China and Indonesia. In 2017 the CDB signed a loan agreement worth US $ 3.96 billion with PT Railroad Indonesia China (KCIC) which was 60% shares owned by Indonesia and 40% of China to work on this fast train project.
- Morowali Industrial Estate
Chinese investment that enters Indonesia with a significant value is the Morowali Industrial Estate. China recorded investing in Indonesia worth US $ 1.63 billion, to develop industrial estates there. This synergy commitment was realized through the signing of the MoU between Tsingshan Group and Delong Group with PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park.
- PT Gunbuster Nickel Industri (GNI)
PT GNI is a nickel ore processing company that has been operating in North Morowali, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi). This smelting company was established in 2019. PT GNI implemented the Rotary Kiln Electric Furnace (RKEF) technology process by developing 25 production lines. Produces 1.9 million Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) per year.
February 13, 2023, detikFinance(