Jokowi Inaugurates the Largest Floating Solar Power Plant in Southeast Asia

Indonesian President Joko Widodo directly inaugurated the Floating Solar Power Plant or Floating Solar PV Cirata located in the Cirata Reservoir, Mani’is District, Purwakarta Regency, West Java. President Jokowi who was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Trade of the United Arab Emirates, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif and BUMN Minister Erick Thohir. Jokowi said that being a floating PLTS was the largest in the Southeast Asian region.

“Today is a historic day because our big dreams to build new renewable energy plants on a large scale can finally be carried out and we succeeded in building one of the largest solar power plants in Southeast Asia and number three in the world. This is already a hydropower plant with The capacity of 1,000 MW, and now coupled with a floating solar power plant of 192 MWP, “said President Jokowi in his remarks at the inauguration of PLTS, Thursday (09/11/2023).

The project, which was built in the area of the 200 hectare Cirata Reservoir, was able to produce electricity of 192 Megawatt Peak (MWP). The development process lasted for more than three years and was a form of global collaboration between PT PLN (Persero) through PLN Nusantara Power Subholding and a company from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Masdar. It is known that the Cirata Reservoir is located in three districts of West Java, namely Purwakarta, Cianjur, and West Bandung. Not until here, Jokowi asked to continue to increase electricity production in the Cirata Reservoir region and utilize the potential of waters in Indonesia.

While PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, PLN had planned the construction of solar power plants since 2021. He explained that the Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant was a national strategic project that supplies clean energy for the Java Bali electricity system.

“The Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant becomes a window of global cooperation to realize a decrease in emissions in the acceleration of energy transition to Net Zero Emission (NZE) in 2060,” said Darmawan.

With a massive capacity, Cirata Floating Solar Power Plants will certainly help people get a greener power supply. In addition, this project will also contribute to the addition of a new renewable energy mix as a form of commitment and state concern for the environment and sustainability. This solar power plant consists of 13 islands or arrays with more than 340 thousand solar panels that can produce electricity to be distributed to more than 50 thousand homes. Thousands of local workers and MSMEs also become part of the construction of this project.

The tariff for the Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant is very competitive and will increase independence through the utilization of energy from local natural resources. In fact, this project will open up opportunities for people who want to participate in the development of green energy both through the PLN Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) and carbon trading.

November 9, 2023, detikJabar
