The Indonesian government targets the rail network in the country to reach 10,524 kilometers (km) by 2030. The construction will cost up to Rp853 trillion. The target is already in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number 296 of 2020, in which there are several efforts to develop trains according to the National Railway Master Plan (RIPNAS).
“The implementation of the main program requires a large amount of funding, referring to the RIPNAS, there is a budget requirement of almost Rp. 853 trillion with a proportion of alternative financing of 68% and the State Budget of 32%,” said Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation Zulfikri in a hearing (RDP) with Commission V DPR RI, Wednesday (6/7/2022).
The priority trains to be built are the network in Sumatra and Sulawesi, the construction of double track and electrification of the Java main line, as well as the operation of high-speed trains on the island of Java. In addition, the financing also includes the availability of passenger train facilities, consisting of 2,839 locomotives and 34,178 train carriages. Furthermore, freight train facilities are 2,475 locomotives and 48,364 carriages.
“This is an effort to create a competitive, integrated, and responsive railway to developments. Another target is for railways to become the backbone of inter-city, urban, and freight mass transportation,” Zulfikri said. Currently, the national strategic project (PSN) in the railway sector consists of 10 inter-city activities and 6 urban PSN activities. Of these4 PSNs haveve been completed, namely the Tebingtinggi-Kuala Tanjung Railway, the South Sumatra Province LRT (Metro Palembang), the Double Track and Crossing South Java, and the Yogyakarta-Kulon Progo Airport Train. For the PSN trains that are in process, there are Rantau Prapat-Duri-Pekanbaru, Lahat-Muara Enim-Prabumulih-Tarahan and Prabumulih-Kertapati Logistics Trains, MRT Jakarta East-West Phase I, LRT crossing JIS-Kelapa Gading, MRT Jakarta North- South, Jabodebek LRT, Jakarta-Bandung fast train, increasing the speed of the Jakarta-Surabaya railway line, especially the segment for the Jakarta-Semarang and Makassar-Parepare trains, all of which are still in the progress stage,” he said.
July 06, 2022, DetikFinance