Indonesia Exports Fish Worth IDR 76.8 Trillion, America and China the Most

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) reported that the value of fishery exports from January to October 2024 reached US$ 4.8 billion or IDR76.8 trillion (exchange rate of IDR16,000). This value increased compared to the same period last year of US$ 4.61 billion.

The Director General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products (PDSPKP) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Budi Sulistyo, is targeting that by the end of 2024, the value of Indonesian fishery exports will reach US$ 5 billion.

“Regarding the strengthening of the marketing of fishery products that we get in 2024, the performance of Indonesian fishery exports for the period January to October 2024 is currently recorded as of October at US$ 4.81 billion. This (has experienced) an increase in the same period. We hope that by the end of the year, until December, it will reach more than US$ 5 billion,” said Budi in the 2024 KKP Year-End Achievement Press Conference at the Mina Bahari IV Building, Central Jakarta, Monday (16/12/2024).

Furthermore, Budi explained that there are five largest destination countries, including the United States (US) with an export value of US$ 1.56 billion, China with an export value of US$ 0.99 billion, ASEAN with an export value of US$ 0.65 billion, Japan with an export value of US$ 0.49 billion, and the European Union of US$ 0.35 billion. The most exported fishery commodities are shrimp, tuna, skipjack tuna, squid, cuttlefish, octopus, crab, and seaweed.

“Commodities are dominated by shrimp, followed by skipjack tuna, squid, crab and seaweed,” explained Budi.

To boost fisheries exports next year, his party has compiled and analyzed market performance and marketing, especially for skipjack tuna and tilapia commodities. This analysis was conducted to see potential export destination countries. Based on the results of the analysis, the demand for US tuna is predicted to increase by 300 thousand tons with the form of frozen whole superior products. Then in the European Union, the demand for tuna is estimated to reach 889 thousand tons with the form of canned tuna as the superior product.

“Tuna in Japan is positioned (Indonesia as a tuna exporting country in Japan) number 4. While the demand in 2025 is predicted to be 249 thousand tons or an increase of 4%. Well, we should be able to capture the market from this potential increase. So is tilapia. We will convey this kind of information to business actors. This is to improve export performance in the future, and we will always improve our capabilities,” explained Budi.

December 16, 2024, detikFinance
